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Data Science Projects

Relevant Coursework
CSE 6242: Data Visualization & Analytics
CSE 6730: Modeling and Simulation
CSE 6643: Numerical Linear Algebra
CS 6550: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
ISYE 6402: Time Series Analysis

VAE Insight

   [An end-to end machine learning web application]

An end-to-end data science web application project. Incuding data ETL, building deep learning models, and building an entire web application.
#MySQL #Python #PythonFlask #PyTorch #JavaScript


Stock Price Time Series Forecasting

   [Time Series Analysis]

IPredicted daily time series of individual stock price with Generalized Additive Model and ARMA models (ARIMA & ARIMA-GARCH) in R, then formed statistical reports.


Inundation Traffic Simulation

Built an entire numerical model for traffic simulation of the city of Virginia Beach under inundation disruption and performed numerical analysis on the results.

#Json #Numerical Modeling & Simulation #Python


Data Visualization
with d3.js

A series of data-driven interactive visualizations of Georgia Tech CSE6242 [Data Visual & Analytics] course projects.

#Javascript #D3.js #Python #SQL