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Fall, 2022

Text Clusting
With EM Algorithm

With the provided dataset, cluster the documents into n topics by fitting to multinomial distribution model, use the EM algorithm for converging the parameters.

To Project GitHub Page : file contaning the EM algorithm.

  • In this project we are categorizing the documents into 4 clusters.
  • Each document is vectorized into a vector using bag-of-word with length V (vocabulary size), collaboratively they form the matrx T.
  • Here the initialization assumes equal probabilities for matrix Πc= 1/size(T), because EM algorithm is not gauranteed to converge to a global minimum, different initializations more suitable to the dataset is encouraged when applied to different cases.
  • After initialization, we compute the expectation for Πc that maximizes the posterior probabilities and update iteratively till convergence. In this implementation, the function sets 1000 iterations.
	import numpy as np

	def cluster(T, K, num_iters = 700, epsilon = 1e-12):
		:param bow:
			bag-of-word matrix of (num_doc, V), where V is the vocabulary size
		:param K:
			number of topics
			idx of size (num_doc), idx should be 1, 2, 3 or 4
		#try different initialization
		for k in range(K):
		for k in range(K):
			for i in range(I):
				for j in range(J):
		print('Initialization done.')
		print('EM Iteraiton...')
		for count in range(num_iters):
			for k in range(K):
				for i in range(I):
			for k in range(K):
				for j in range(J):
					for i in range(I):
				for j in range(J):
					for i in range(I):
				for i in range(I):
					for j in range(J):

		print('EM Iteration done.')

		print('Computing final probability density estimaiton...')
		for k in range(K):
			for i in range(I):
		for i in range(I):
		#raise NotImplementedError
		return idx : file contaning the evaluation function.

  • Compares results from to provided true cluster reuslts and return the accuracy.
	import itertools
	import numpy as np
	def acc_measure(idx):
		:param idx:
			numpy array of (num_doc)
		mat ='data.mat')
		mat = mat['X']
		Y = mat[:, -1]
		# rotate for different idx assignments
		best_acc = 0
		for idx_order in itertools.permutations([1, 2, 3, 4]):
			for ind, label in enumerate(idx_order):
				Y[(ind)*100:(ind+1)*100] = label
			acc = (Y == idx).sum() / Y.shape[0]
			if acc > best_acc:
				best_acc = acc
		return best_acc
	if __name__ == '__main__':
		acc_measure(np.array([1]*100 + [3]*100 + [2]*100 + [4]*100)) : the main file, calls on the previous files to run EM algorithm, accuracy evaluation and show results.
	from AccMeasure import acc_measure
	from mycluster import cluster
	#from mycluster_extra import cluster_extra
	mat ='data.mat')
	mat = mat['X']
	X = mat[:, :-1]
	idx = cluster(X, 4)
	acc = acc_measure(idx)
	print('accuracy %.4f' % (acc))

Results: The results fluctuates around 92 to 96 accuracy. Reducing the iteration numbers produces similar results, showing convergence before 1000 iterations. With this initialization method, 700 iterations shows confidence in convergence.

	D:\Dak's Documents\GaTech\CSE 6740 Computational Data Analysis (ML)\homework2\homework2>py
	Initialization done.
	EM Iteraiton...
	EM Iteration done.
	Computing final probability density estimaiton...
	[1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.
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	accuracy 0.9275