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Date: 3/16/2025

Deep Learning Projects

Relevant Coursework
CS 6746: Computer Vision
CSE 6740: Computational Data Analysis (ML)
CSE 8803: Data Science in Social Networks
CS 7650: Natural Language Processing
2024 @GT Hacklytics

PalmVerse: AI Sign Language Video-to-Text & Audio

Bridged mutism communication gap with computer vision and deep learning. Developed an AI tool that converts video livestream to textual and audio output.

Used OpenCV and ffmpeg algorithms to track hand landhand sign landmarks in real-time. Then developed a CNN based attention mechanism model with TensorFlow to recognize hand sign alphabets at 90% accuracy.


BoCoEl: LLM Efficient Evaluation tool with Bayesian Optimization

Applies Bayesian optimization to workwith expensive-to-evaluate LLMs. Bocoel uses Bayesian optimization as a backbone for exploring the embedding space given by our corpus, which allows it to select a good subset acting as a mini snapshot of the corpus.

Bocoel works in the following steps:
1) Encode individual entry into embeddings (cheaper & faster than LLM and reusable).
2) Use Bayesian optimization to select queries to evaluate.
3) Use the queries to retrieve from our corpus (with the encoded embeddings).
4) The evaluations generated are easily managed by the provided manager utility.

To our knowledge, this is the first work aiming to reduce computation costs during evaluation (benchmarking) with a (possibly dynamic) budget.


GNN Amazon Customer Disatisfaction Prediction

Developed a BERT embedded tripartite Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) to accurately predicted Amazon customer dissatisfaction score . By leveraging GCN on tripartite graph using BERT embeddings of 30+gb amazon user-product-eview text dataset as nodes in PyTorch, reached at near-perfect 0.98 R2 regression score.

During training, boosted accuracy over 7% by applying multitask learning on human-annotated review helpfulness and sentiment labels to beat multimodal (BERT+CLIP) baseline by significant margins.